What mom??? I'm just getting something to eat.
She has become our little monkey. She likes to climb up but when it comes to getting down she's terrified. She'll start to get down and then she'll start shaking and screaming bloody murder. Usually she's only 2 inches from the ground. She's obsessed with climbing onto the island in the kitchen and the table. Or she'll push the chair around to all the light switches and turn them on and off 100 hundred times. She really likes the light switch at the top of the stairs and will pull one of her chairs from her play room right to the edge of the stairs just so she can reach those light switches. I can just see her now....tumbling down the stairs with the chair following.
No sort of discipline seems to work with this child....and nothing seems to bug her so you can't take anything away, you can't get mad at her, can't give her "the look" or send her to time out. She just gives you one of those big cheesy smiles and heads straight for the chair again....
I'm hoping when she turns 3 in March this will all just magically end. (well at least I can hope for it right!!!)